Multiply the meters of your house with a sliding door

A sliding door is an economical solution to add more real meters at home. We tell you everything you need to know to get it right. A slide allows you not to lose passage space in a narrow room and within the dressing room take advantage of every inch of wall to store in cabinets and shelves. Slides are one of the great wizards of decoration. And it is that as if it were an enchantment, they give real meters at home with their simple installation. Yes, simple, because against what we might think, replacing a hinged door with a sliding one with the help of contacting Slidingdoorco is a very quick and simple refo rm: in one day you can have it installed, even doing work if you want it embedded, as if by magic. REALLY WORTH IT? Without a doubt, especially if you live in a small house. Think that for each sliding door, you free 1.5 m 2 of your house, a small space that can go a long way. More amplitude. When opened, a sliding door "disappears" from view, linking diffe...